英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 10:33:28

do justice to

英 [du: ˈdʒʌstis tu:]

美 [du ˈdʒʌstɪs tu]

公平处理; 妥善处理; 给 ... 以公道的评价
  • 网络解释

1. 公平对待, 适当处理:replication capacity 复制能力 | do justice to 公平对待, 适当处理 | pour in (使)川流不息地涌入[出]

2. 公平对待:Do in Rome as the Romans do 入乡随俗 | do justice to 公平对待 | do not import column 省略输入此列

3. 公平地评价/对待:do errands 差使,杂事 | do justice to...公平地评价/对待 | go about 流传

4. 公平对待 正确处理:646.V-notch weir V型槽堰 | 647.notched 有凹凸的 锯齿状的 | 648.do justice to 公平对待 正确处理

  • 临近词

Susan had so many things to do that she could not do justice to his schoolwork.(苏珊要做的事太多了以致没有好好的做作业。)
No one article can ever do justice to the topic of fraud .(没有哪一篇文章能把欺诈这一话题讲得恰到好处。)
We should do justice to both sides.(我们对双方都应公正。)
Your costume can't even do justice to your slender figure.(穿成这样也太对不住你的好身材了。)
If you are addicted to your work or consumed by other interests, you cannot do justice to a budding relationship.(如果你沉迷于工作或痴迷于其他爱好,你就无法妥善处理萌动的感情。)
The simple binding example doesn't really do justice to the flexibility of JiBX.(简单的绑定示例实际上并不能充分地发挥JiBX的灵活性。)
We set out to build new systems that can do justice to all of this.(我们建立了一个新系统,能够公平处理这一切。)
She cooked a delicious dinner, but we couldn't really do justice to it because we'd eaten too much already.(她做了一顿美味的饭菜,可我们实在是没法享用,因为我们早已吃得很饱了。)
"You have only proved by this," cried Elizabeth, "that Mr." Bingley did not do justice to his own disposition.(伊丽莎白叫道:“你这一番话只不过说明了彬格莱先生并没有任着他自己的性子说做就做。”)
I'm very sorry to hear that you didn't do justice to yourself in this exam.(很遗憾听说你在这次考试中没有发挥自己的能力。)
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